New Komodo Graphics – give us suggestions

Here are some new hero graphics we are working for the website. The plan is to make a slight visual update & enhancement in during the coming weeks.

Do you guys think we are on the right track with these images?

What else would you like to see? We can design anything to any scene. You can find free high-quality photography from websites such as

Find us a copyright free picture and/or an idea – and we might make it happen!


Love the aura. Would be amazing to see it move in the background with the huge komodo logo thats in the first picture


Look so good! Would be nice to see the aura move, the lights on the dark block slowly pulse, the small blocks move a bit as if it is floating :star_struck:


You could make Logo turn 360

logo coming out of black water

logo instead of the planet

change the gold colors and add komodo logo in the main circle

simple, could be nice with the logo on the right


Awesome! Thanks about these ideas. I will forward them to our designer.

Our designer posted a video update about the new graphics we have been preparing for – and the design/branding choice we have to make.

Tell us what you think


Nice :ok_hand: I love the clean design :star_struck:

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very freshhh great job!

I do like the aura/ night theme, it goes very well with the Komodo Logo and our community values, espically the picture with the man holding onto the flash light.

On the other hand, he did mentioned he wanted to add the 3D laptop w/ the phones onto the pictures. To be honest, i don’t think it goes well. Feels like putting a sticker onto something. I would rather have the Komodo logo in the background or a block floating.

Also for the community page, it should have a warm, welcoming feeling like a camp set up with stars in the background. something like this below.

Hope this helps!

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