Download the corresponding binary for your OS from here, and unzip the archive in your downloads folder:
Open a Terminal window, and navigate into Download folder
cd ~/Downloads
Run the tool using your seed as a parameter
./seed-converter-Linux "spice describe gravity federal blast come thank unfair canal monkey style afraid"
Replace the seed in the quotations with your seed. It will output a private key that works in any normal ETH wallet
Open a Terminal window, and navigate into Download folder
cd ~/Downloads
Run the tool using your seed as a parameter
./seed-converter-Darwin "spice describe gravity federal blast come thank unfair canal monkey style afraid"
Replace the seed in the quotations with your seed. It will output a private key that works in any normal ETH wallet
Open a Command prompt window, and navigate into the Download folder
cd Downloads
Run the tool using your seed as a parameter
.\seed-converter-Windows-NT.exe "spice describe gravity federal blast come thank unfair canal monkey style afraid"
Replace the seed in the quotations with your seed. It will output a private key that works in any normal ETH wallet
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