I'm trying to withdraw from my Komodo wallet account and it's not working so I get an error

I’m trying to withdraw from my Komodo wallet account and it’s not working so I get an error.

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Hey, please post the error you are facing

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error": "rpc:215] dispatcher_legacy:141] lp_coins:3925] utxo_common:2887] rpc_clients:2235] JsonRpcError { client_info: "coin: DGC", request: JsonRpcRequest { jsonrpc: "2.0", id: "16", method: "blockchain.transaction.broadcast", params: [String("01000000fd9b05f32cf742887743b65117a60f89b9bc614da3db835dece5492235174e589e5c27010000006b483045022100bc4d35268e0837066bcdb8d8dca690be748612e3fb65697e995f4337c81b334d02204d811cdd685e6b6a6609c7ecffa04f3a84117133a054256a139c4224e9d67dbf01210224b1f2eee35be7c1e4ea98ff1f1302b6ecadb86e07f3b8ddfaa68a6890a9cdc2ffffffff083a883c73ec2eaa0d7f7a58cd95d724ecc328980e82f10f2b4bc9a2f9487b0c010000006a4730440220160e621ad1113b685ff4b162b1f1feecc36f1a10c72cddb89c63ff7435dc8bb102200b07235285f075a33b5fc614d9d46bd08b2669750b86f9c09cc4d15764cde28e01210224b1f2eee35be7c1e4ea98ff1f1302b6ecadb86e07f3b8ddfaa68a6890a9cdc2ffffffffc1612aa9c8d3ce83db24ee624000017cfbead290c7bfcb4a439ee00b0506e0f1010000006b4830450221009eee18ac1301776f399bc82e24dad4c4e7fd912e72cb5536cf704c4eaa793a6a02202e86aa653bf76ac48f8a000d2f666ffb679877259963f2ec361053500a26a80301210224b1f2eee35be7c1e4ea98ff1f1302b6ecadb86e07f3b8ddfaa68a6890a9cdc2ffffffff978ac30f6f30c7255a74a147664bf90010367e9b5b3ed2ae86bb0f338951e366010000006a473044022007fba2552978e826b5d3b9bc24a4b88e861e194384a18c70a81cfab56969d26702207c8d7abe89c6bdc80f7cdcf58deae8d2f21b3fe356ddea31420dbbbd2631df3901210224b1f2eee35be7c1e4ea98ff1f1302b6ecadb86e07f3b8ddfaa68a6890a9cdc2fffffffff0abbac184457e7cd86b8d94027a33

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Hey, the error message shared is incomplete. But, we can infer from the error message that the transaction you are trying to send is too large (in size of data in kb and not the amount of coins directly) and the electrum server isn’t able to broadcast it.

You can try this: If you are trying to send 1000 coins now, try with 500, if that doesn’t work, try 250, then 100, then 50 and so on till it works. Then try and send the same amount again and again till you can withdraw everything

If that doesn’t work, you will have to export your private key(WIF) from Komodo Wallet, and import it into a native wallet and then, try to send your coins from there

This issue usually happens when you receive mining payouts or mine directly to the Komodo Wallet address. This isn’t recommended as Komodo Wallet is a lite wallet and the Electrum servers it uses can’t handle huge transactions

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