What is the Komodo Mining Formula for Miners?

Komodo uses Equihash mining algorithm. Currently, there are about 1440 blocks per day, where 75% is being mined by Komodo Notary Nodes and 25% is being mined by pools and independent solo miners.

One of our community members who is mining KMD uses the formula below:

var CurrentkSols = 71coinStatus.blocksPerHashRatePerDay = 24 / ((coinStatus.difficulty * Math.pow(2,32)) / ((Math.pow(10,9) * CurrentkSols) * 3600));if (symbol == 'KMD' || symbol == 'kmd') { coinStatus.blocksPerHashRatePerDay = Math.abs(coinStatus.blocksPerHashRatePerDay * 0.64); }

kSols = 1 thousand Sol/s and the * 0.64 is because of NNs on Komodo.

[Credit: @ComputerGenie]

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