How to Import Wallet in AtomicDEX Web

  1. In a new browser tab, open AtomicDEX Web | Non-Custodial Multi-Coin Wallet & DEX in Your Browser

  2. Click the “Connect wallet” button on the top of the page:

    Alternatively, you can click on any asset from the assets list or the “Connect wallet” button on the DEX or BRIDGE tab.

  3. Click the “Connect AtomicDEX seed” button

  4. Click the “Import wallet” button

  5. Import wallet:

  • Enter a name for your wallet.
  • Enter your seed phrase. If your seed is not BIP39 compliant, tap the "Allow custom seed " checkbox, then enter “I understand” and press “ok” in the pop-up window to continue with importing your custom seed.
  • Confirm you have read the End-User License Agreement (EULA) and TERMS and CONDITIONS by activating the checkboxes.
  • Once all inputs are valid, click the “Import” button
  1. Enter and confirm your password, then click “Import”

  2. Viola! Your wallet has been created!